Wilderness First Aid and Herbal Remedies from Wild Alaskan Plants
9:30 AM09:30

Wilderness First Aid and Herbal Remedies from Wild Alaskan Plants

Learn the identification and therapeutic value of local wild plants that have been traditionally used for emergency first aid.  Gain hands-on experience with various methods of using these wild herbal remedies  – oils, salves, tinctures, poultice, infusion, and decoction.   Handouts on this information will be provided.
Through in-field comparison or photos as needed, differentiate from toxic plants that may be a source of confusion and the ethics of proper gathering practices.
Discuss drying/storing options and the importance of labeling.
Make oil and tincture from the plants gathered.
People love this workshop, so come prepared to have a really good time!
Cost: Adult/$70 Child/$40

Location: AnamCara 66665 Fry Ct., Homer, AK 99603
Register at Homer Folk School:  
Nancy Lee-Evans, MA, PhD - Love of foraging, preparation and use of Alaska plants is an outflow of 30 years of Nancy’s work as a healer.  She apprenticed with master Alaskan herbalist Janice Schofield in 1996 and began co-teaching plant retreats with Janice in 2002. Nancy now teaches through AnamCara, her program of Celtic spiritual tradition and healing located in Homer.

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 The 3 Alaska Plant Guardians – Yarrow, Wormwood and Devil’s Club
6:00 PM18:00

The 3 Alaska Plant Guardians – Yarrow, Wormwood and Devil’s Club

    Every region has a plant that is so abundant, has such diverse medicine and is so available that it is thought of as a guardian plant of the people. In south-central Alaska, we are blessed to have 3 guardian plants of great power and versatility: Yarrow, Wormwood and Devil’s Club. Yarrow is the guardian plant of the mountains. Wormwood predominates in the interior and Devil’s Club supports the coast
     Students will learn to identify Yarrow, Wormwood and Devil’s Club by sight, smell, and touch, the therapeutic properties shared by these guardian plants, proper harvesting and preparation techniques. Examples of dried herb, tinctures, oils, salves, and infusions will be passed around to students.  Handouts will be provided.
     You will gain an appreciation for the scope of the therapeutic value of each of these plants that makes them worthy of serious use and mastery.
Cost: Adult/$30 Child/$15

Location: AnamCara 66665 Fry Ct., Homer AK 99603
Register at Homer Folk School: https://www.homerfolkschool.org/new-events-2/c78hsse2mjz8l375p3jcfz8artmrrd

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11:30 AM11:30

Alaska Plant Medicine

This workshop is an excellent foundation for hands-on wild crafted herbalism and our spiritual relationship with Nature. 

You will learn the importance of intention setting and ethical gathering practices. We'll also introduce plant communication is a learnable skill that brings the entire landscape alive and will change your relationship with nature forever.

Students will build knowledge of the exceptional nutritional and therapeutic value of wild edibles and medicines at your doorstep.  Learn to identify 12 local edible and medicinal plants, understand their therapeutic properties, and create tinctures, oils, and salves as herbal remedies to meet their individual and personal needs. Handouts of plant properties, recipes and nutritional information will be provided.

People love this workshop, so come prepared to have a really good time!


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to Jun 4

The Wild Epicure: Edibles from the Trail, Field and Woods

This class will guide students  to identify at least 12 wild edibles, their nutritional value and various methods of preparation – potherbs, field snacks, salad additions, teas, vinegars, drinks. Students will also prepare a salad, dressing, salsa, soup and tea from wild edibles. Enjoy! Recipes provided. 

Children ages 8-18 can receive a 50% discount when registering with an adult. Course Fees: Non-Members $50, Members: $45.

Register at  https://www.homerfolkschool.org/classes-1/#!event-list

Nancy Lee-Evans, MA, PhD has infused 25 years of healing and traditional Celtic knowledge into her work with Alaska plants as food and medicine. After 20 years of personal herbal study, she apprenticed with master Alaskan herbalist Janice Schofield in 1996 and has co-taught edible and medicinal plant retreats with Janice since 2002. Now teaching widely, Nancy understands that our plant work is the pathway to food and medicine security and to living in harmonious interdependent relationship with nature. She has presented numerous times at Bioneers - Anchorage and at the Alaska Plants as Food and Medicine Symposium sponsored by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. As director of AnamCara, a program of spiritual development and healing grounded in Celtic tradition, Nancy has attended numerous professional herbal seminars to enhance her healing practice. Nancy has a master's degree in psychology and traditional knowledge and a PhD from Wisdom University in Indigenous Irish Celtic Tradition. She lives, teaches, and works in Homer, AK.


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Dancing with the Great Mystery - Chakra 7
to Sep 24

Dancing with the Great Mystery - Chakra 7

Class hours:   Sat and Sun 9:30am - 5:30pm

Real spiritual connection is the direct experience of the divine. This culminating 7th chakra AnamCara class will engage the mystery of Spirit at its most basic and transcendent.  We will explore the symbolic language of spirit and our recognition of our intuitive access to guidance; understand the common ground of prayer and intention as path makers to spiritual experience; and embrace our fears of being in the light.  What? Who me??

Before ending our AnamCara journey must also learn to sit with death as a physical, emotional and spiritual transition of great magnitude. Here we learn to assist the dying and prepare for our own death as the most natural of human experiences.  Make no mistake, Spirit walks hand in hand with death and will journey with us.

The goal of this teaching, along with our hands on healing and ritual, will be to expand our experience of the divine and to cultivate that most valuable of qualities, faith.

Cost: $155

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The Second Sight - Sixth Chakra
to Jan 8

The Second Sight - Sixth Chakra

Class hours: Friday 6:30-8:30 pm; Sat and Sun 9:30am - 5:30pm

Explore the elegance of clairvoyant voice and vision skills, known to our ancestors as  second sight and its surprising value in our everyday lives.  We can learn to attune to and ground into our subtle perceptions, using the information garnered to inform our choices. This greater openness was the childhood experience of many of us before we were taught to disown it.  Soon this blockage became the energetic defenses that our consciousness creates to feel safe. In time these defenses limited our awareness of energy, life and love.    Learn why defenses are essential, yet limiting, and how they can be unlocked. Come away with renewed clarity, awareness of yourself and confidence in your perceptions.

We can use European Celtic tradition as an indigenous backdrop for our skills exercises,  building spiritual connection with our ancestors, Goddess Brigit, Archangel Michael and others of the tradition.

Cost $155


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The Art of Love - Fourth Chakra
to Nov 20

The Art of Love - Fourth Chakra

Fri Nov. 186:30-8:30 pm; Sat. 9:30 am - 5:30 pm; Sun 9:30 am - 5:30 PM

In this weekend class we will work with how the essential nature of love is cultivated and sustained.  We will explore how these needs develop into satisfying intimacy or co-dependence and break many patterns of relationship down to see their source in our experiences. More

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to Aug 14

Wild Hearts-Earth Wisdom

  • Across the Bay Tent And Breakfast (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enjoy a weekend retreat in Beautiful Kasistna immersed in the beauty of Nature. Our hosts, Across the Bay Tent and Breakfast, will house and feed us so that we can really relax and be present for experiencing our deep relations with earth, sky and sea.

 In Wild Heart-Earth Wisdom we step away from lives that are so very busy to explore the sacred web of life as our ancestors knew it.   We will open our ownsacred portals of perception to let the sentient, aware intelligence of Nature guide us. You will learn that you have already developed skills to perceive this information.  Then you will sharpen your awareness as the marine life, the eagle, the plants and mother Earth herself call.  Slowly the open heart of Mother Nature will draw us in to craft ceremony, ritual or spiritual practices of honor, respect, gratitude and healing.

How often do we have the chance to remember this sacred connection that nourishes our souls and gives life to our birthright as children of Mother Earth?

Located on Kasitsna Bay, we will access abundant coastal rain forest plant communities like devil's club, blueberry, spruce, goose tongue and seaweed. Your time will include the practical side of wild-crafting identification, medicinal properties, ethical gathering and preparing an herbal oil, plant essence,  soup and teas with these plants. Children are welcome.

Our classroom is the delightful Across the Bay Tent and Breakfast. It is just the right combination of rustic and comfort with great food.  Both cabins and wall tents are available. Meals is provided from Friday night snack to Sunday lunch.

Bring a sleeping bag, towel, journal, drum or rattle, gathering bag, gloves, knife, trail snacks, rain and sun gear. We will be outside a lot. 

Cost $415 inclusive of lodging, food, water taxi and class.

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to Jun 12

Alaska Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants

This weekend workshop is an excellent foundation for hands-on wild crafted herbalism and our spiritual relationship with Nature. 

Friday night will set the stage with establishing the relationship of respect and gratitude with the land and plants that is the foundation to wild-crafting. You will learn the importance of intention setting and ethical gathering practices. We'll also introduce plant communication is a learnable skill that brings the entire landscape alive and will change your relationship with nature forever.

On Saturday and Sunday you will build knowledge of the exceptional nutritional and therapeutic value of wild edibles and medicines at your doorstep.  Students will learn to identify 12 local edible and medicinal plants, understand their therapeutic properties, and create tinctures, oils, and salves as herbal remedies to meet their individual and personal needs.

We will have great fun making wild edibles foods for a Saturday night potluck.   Handouts of plant properties, recipes and nutritional information will be provided.

Our retreat headquarters is a comfortable Diamond Ridge home with tent and camper parking space for those coming from out of town.  Campers are welcome to use our outdoor workshop kitchen for cooking. There are B & Bs and great restaurants within 10 minutes drive.

Please bring a notebook; an assortment of large and small glass jars with lids;  a minimum of a pint each of olive oil and brandy or vinegar if you are alcohol free (more if you think you will be prolific in gathering); rain and sun gear; something for the Sat night pot luck. Please let Nancy know if you have a Coleman stove that you can bring.

People love this workshop, so come prepared to have a really good time!

Directions: Take Sterling Highway to mile 167. Turn up Diamond Ridge Road for 1.3 miles. Take the first right after the cemetery on Fry Ct. Park in the upper or lower cul-de-sac and walk down the driveway to the red house. Follow the signs.

Cost $155


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to Apr 4

Chakra 5: Sound of Truth

  • 165 E. Bunnell Ave. Homer, AK 99603 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Friday: 6:30PM - 8:30PM

Sunday/Monday: 9:30AM - 5:30PM

The Druids held Truth to be their highest principle and the sustaining power of creation. Again and again in Celtic tradition, the precise naming of a thing or the utterance of the forbidden or hidden Truth produced a magical outcome. Its clarity directs energy with great creative precision. Thus we see that the divine so often expresses through the Truth channels of the voice.
What can we understand of this power today? How does Truth relate to our integrity, our relationships and our ability to pursue our life's work?
In this weekend adventure we will explore the power of Truth in our lives. We will investigate the felt body experience of integrity as an expression of personal Truth so that we can better recognize and honor it in our lives. With this skill we will consider the individual aspect of Divine truth that each of us holds and its importance as a contribution to the paradigm shift we are all experiencing. We will find that the ability to stand in our truth facilitates the intimacy that makes relationships worthwhile, while the embodiment of our Truth in our work leads to right livelihood. Each level of understanding will give greater depth and clarity to our knowledge and experience of Truth as we use the tools of creative expression, voice dialog, energy work and channeling to understand the forces that have silenced us and release our own true Voice.
All are welcome.

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9:00 PM21:00

Sacred Sites in Ireland Presentation

Enjoy a journey through the Sacred sites of Ireland in celebration of St. Patrick's Day! Tour guide Nancy Lee-Evans will share her spiritual experiences with the energies and history of the Sacred Isle's stone circles, passage cairns, holy wells and early Celtic monasteries. She will include the ways to visit these ancient places with honor and respect using practices the Irish have used for millennia.   Donation for space is welcome.

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10:30 AM10:30

AnamCara Intro: Fundamentals of Healing

  • 165 E. Bunnell Ave. Homer, AK 99603 USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Reclaim the knowledge of your ancestors. Gain an experiential understanding of chakras and the energy systems that surround, interpenetrate and enliven your body. Practice seeing and sensing auras, body structures and learn hands-on energy healing skills, including a whole body treatment.     $70

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